"How can the irrational passions of nationalism or religion be contained before they do more damage?" -Margaret MacMillan-
Having finished Paris 1919 (which I highly recommend!), I ponder the question set forth by Margaret MacMillan at the end of her writing. I love how she uses the phrase "irrational passions" to describe nationalism & religion. In both cases, people become so fixated on their own set of beliefs, devotion, and loyalty that they become blind to the rest of the world. Deprived of reason and logic, people tend to get wrapped up in the strong emotional tie of their culture, country, or set of religious beliefs and doctrines. The result is a group of people willing to do anything to back up their position and protect their vantage point. At that point there is little to do but watch the destruction that will eventually unfold. The end of World War I brought forth alliances, partnerships, and forced merges that collided into chaos. The world has never been the same. In much the same way today, we are faced with those same irrational passions of people that do not seem to have an answer on how to be solved. Clearly we cannot outlaw nationalism or religion. Nor would doing so be a realistic answer. Rather the answer must lie somewhere within the realm of tolerance. Getting people to drop their blind devotion to a cause or belief and open their eyes to the beliefs of others sounds so good on paper, and yet does not seem possible. Containment seems like a better possibility and yet even in that we are sitting on 90 years since the Paris Peace Conference and our world seems as hell bent on destruction as it was back then. Where do we go from here? Will the maelstrom that these irrational passions have thrust us into ever be solved? It seems to me that if we could solve that - we might finally solve the problem that started the Great War in the first place.Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Praise for Moms
So I have been battling some nasty sickness over the last few days. I have had the body aches, nasty cough, high fever, sinus congestion, and now for good measure a sore throat has decided to take place. I hate being sick. But I have noticed something in this sickness. On Thursday I stayed home from work because I simply felt beyond awful. The entire day I rotated between taking hot showers and laying down watching movies. I was completely useless. At the end of the day I realized that my wife had taken care of the kids all day long and had done everything in order to make me feel better. What made this remarkable was this: when my wife has been really sick and nasty feeling, she often still needs to be Mom to the boys. She doesn't have the luxury of rotating hot showers & laying down. Instead she must deal with personally feeling terrible and taking care of the the needs for the boys. I realized then why Moms are so important. No matter how terrible they are feeling - they are always available. It was that way with my Mom. Now I see my wife doing it with our kids. It may not be Mother's Day - but my wife certainly deserves praise today for being an incredible Mom to our boys.
Posted by Landon at 7:21 AM 2 comments
Labels: family
Monday, November 9, 2009
Poland itself survived its difficult birth and even flourished for a time. It had not won back all its historic territories, but it was still a big country and it had its window on the Baltic. These gains, however, came at a huge cost. The powers, even the French, thought the Poles greedy and feckless. And its neighbors had much to resent: Lithuania, the Vilna region; the Soviet Union, the 150-mile-wide strip of what had been Russian territory; Czechoslovakia, the conflict over Teschen; and Germany, the corridor and Danzig. In the summer of 1939 Poland disappeared from the map yet again. -MacMillan, Margaret. Paris 1919. New York, 2001., underline mine-
Greed is a funny thing. It creates within each of us a desire for more and more while feelings of justification that all the excess we desire - we simultaneously deserve. Even when others [including our friends & allies] point out our selfishness, we tend to retreat to our own selfishness that they must be wrong and do not understand the pains we feel or why we deserve more. I cannot help but identify with Poland in 1919. It understandably wanted its own country and right to exist. It understandably had past grievances & injustices that it wanted paid back. Yet in its quest for all that it "deserved," Poland became alienated by creating hostility & resentment from all those who surrounded it. Eventually this lead to its downfall. What is the cost of all our greed and selfishness? At what point have we overstepped our boundaries in our quest to get all the injustice done to us paid back? In the end is it really worth it to us to gain while creating resentment all around us? Unfortunately, greed blinds our eyes and hearts to seeing the devastation we cause by the pursuit of self. Poland paid dearly for it. What will the cost be in my life for all my own greed?Posted by Landon at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Myopic Thinking
"If after establishing the League [League of Nations], we are so stupid as to let Germany train and arm a large army and again become a menace to the world, we would deserve the fate which such folly would bring upon us." -Colonel Edward House-
I am reading a book on the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 after the end of World War I right now. I came across the above quote from the Presidential-Advisor House, and thought just how myopic it was. Of course, I benefit from the looking back now and realizing that World War II was just around the corner, and indeed the Germans would become a menace to the world again. However, it has gotten me thinking on just how dangerous shortsighted thinking can be. The question though is how does one prevent it? House was like many other thinkers in 1919 - they simply could not fathom the Great War not being the war to end all wars. So in pondering the issue, I came up with what I believe are necessary starting points for avoiding myopic thinking and planning.- Distance myself from traditional thinking and the prevailing mindset of most (if not "all") people. I simply cannot follow the line of thought that most agree with.
- I need to consider all possibilities and viewpoints. If is it possible and has been thought of - it deserves some considering.
- I must prepare with the future always more important then the present. What "solved" issues in 1919 did nothing in the 1930's with the rise of Nazism, Fascism, and even Communism.
I still think blunders will arise - but the disasters of settling for myopic thinking & planning are far too costly.
Posted by Landon at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: History, Leadership
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Peace Without Victory
Posted by Landon at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: History
Friday, October 30, 2009
So I love the new show Modern Family on abc. It is so hilarious. The interesting thing about it is the hidden nuggets of truth that get expressed almost by mistake it seems. A few episodes back, the character Jay (Ed O'Neill) mentions in regards to being a dad to his step-son the line: "90 percent of being a dad is just showing up." That line has stuck with me ever since. Today marks the second straight day of being off of work. I took Thursday off and today is my one day off during the week. The boys and I have had so much fun wrestling, playing Transformers, playing Hulk & Spiderman, watching Phineas & Ferb, and eating (a favorite boy activity in our house). Throughout it all I have realized that what my boys need more then anything else is simply for me to show up. They need my time. We have had so much fun together and I realize it has all been by the simple idea of spending time with them. Too often with my job, extra schooling, and taking care of tasks I forget that my kids (and my wife!) need my time more then anything. I cannot say that I will be perfect at this going forward - but I definitely realize just how good of a dad I can be by hanging out with my kids. They need it, they love it, and I benefit the most from it.
Posted by Landon at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life
Monday, October 26, 2009
Posted by Landon at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Quotes
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Posted by Landon at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Life
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Is "hope" an accomplishment?
So President Obama is the latest Nobel Peace Prize Award winner. In talking about the award, Obama himself admitted it was not given "as a recognition of my [Obama] own accomplishments." So how does one win an award for not doing anything. I'm sorry but that is is like giving the Cy Young Award to Stephen Strasburg simply for being picked number one and having a good college career with electric stuff. The word award equates to giving something that is due or merited - so based upon his own admission - Obama does not deserve to win it. Since when has "tone" become the standard for peace in the world? And I question as to whether or not he has really brought a radical shift of hope to this world.
He called the receiving of the award as a "call to action" and you better believe it is. If the world was ready to crucify (and rightly so in some regards) Bush for his "Mission Accomplished" banner speech - then the world better be prepared to condemn President Obama if he fails to deliver on all that he has so greatly promised. As an American I want to see this hope. I want to see economic recovery. I want to see the anti-peace actions of Iran, North Korea, and of course Afghanistan brought to an end. I want to see all the tales that Obama weaved for us while running for office come true. Because in the end that is what will mean peace - not some falsified vision of peace as dictated by "giving hope."
Apparently the committee giving the award thinks it is rare for someone to give us hope - but in the end hope only lasts so long. What we need in this world is results & accomplishments. President Obama may sweep us all off our feet with his great speeches, style, and charisma - but in the end all I care about is results. The bottom line. If that cannot be delievered - then what is the point of the Nobel Peace Prize anyway? In the end - maybe that is my issue. Barack Obama never asked to receive this award - maybe the real question is why do we even care about an award that apparently has lost all of its meaning and intended purpose?
Posted by Landon at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life
A Nude Jock
If I was going to be a writer - I think I would do my best to write like Rick Reilly. Almost every single column he produces is a great piece. As I have stated before - I highly recommend reading him if you aren't already (He now writes for ESPN - so you need to either get the magazine or do what I do and read him online).
His latest piece on athletes and nakedness was hilarious.
Posted by Landon at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Link
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Struggle for Supremacy
"The local war between Austria and Serbia was connected with Franz Ferdinand & Sophie, but the Great War was not; the world war, which was not really the same conflict, was caused by the struggle for supremacy among the great European powers. The desire to be number one may have been a deplorable reason for starting a war, but it was neither surprising nor puzzling that it was what motivated the powers. Germany deliberately started a European war to keep from being overtaken by Russia." -David Fromkin-
Posted by Landon at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Baseball @ Its Best
What a game. That was one of the most classic baseball games ever played - and what a great way to end. Now the Twins have to play the Yankees...whom they never play well against. But ya never know. As I was watching - I kept thinking of being a kid and the games I went to. I really could have used a "Hormel Hot Dog Treat" while cheering on with the song that will forever remain in my head...
We're gonna win Twins, we're gonna score! We're gonna wins Twins, watch that baseball soar! Knock out a home-run, shout a hip-hooray! Cheer for the Minnesota Twins today!
Great 2009 season Minnesota - now keep it going!!
Posted by Landon at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Monday, October 5, 2009
Far From Over
The Battle of Blandford and the Battle of Groton Heights were succesful for Benedict Arnold. But in the end Yorktown ended the conflict and the Americans won. Round One to you Mr. Favre. But the war is far from over.
Posted by Landon at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: Sports
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Never Say Die!
Down 3 games to Detroit with only 4 games left - the chances were slim...but there is still some magic in that old crappy Metrodome. Now its on to game 163. Scotty Baker on the mound, Joe Mauer continuing his MVP season, and a chance to take down Detroit and head to the playoffs.
Posted by Landon at 7:11 PM 15 comments
Labels: Sports
Friday, October 2, 2009
Shake It
So potty-training kids has to rank up there with taming wild bears or wrestling alligators. It took forever with Trenton. The easiest method ended up being letting him pee on the wall outside. Eventually that turned in to being able to go in the toilet - but he definitely still prefers a wall, tree, or anything outdoors. So we decided to start with Sawyer. He is still pretty young, and unlike some parents we aren't overly militant with training regiments. But nevertheless, we figured it would be a good idea to start to slowly break him in. Well he has been doing pretty decent and is showing signs of understanding the process. My favorite part though has been watching Trenton give him helpful hints along the way. This is how it went today...
Sawyer: "Dad...pee, toilet"
Dad: "Ok - good job at asking"
Sawyer: "I do it" (as he refuses help in pulling off his undies or in getting up onto the big toilet)
Dad: "Fine - just don't whiz on the seat, point the rocket down"
Sawyer: "Done" (as he finished peeing)
Trenton: "Hey shake it Bobby (as he still calls Sawyer), shake it!"
Sawyer: "Shake it, shake it"
So now Sawyer has been trained by his brother to finish each pee session with a shake to get out the last drops. Good to Sawyer learning from the wise-old-sage Trenton.
Posted by Landon at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: Life
Monday, September 28, 2009
Commitment to Courage
The Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in 1918 was Sir Douglas Haig. In one of the final offensives launched by the Germans, Haig gave a message to his troops. It stated, "With our backs to the wall and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight on to the end...Every position must be held to the last man. There must be no retirement." It would become one of the most famous directives given in the Great War. A couple of months later, the same tenacity would be shown when U.S. Marines were encouraged to retreat along with the French soldiers at Belleau Wood. Captain Lloyd Williams replied, "Retreat? Hell, we just got here." [Thx to John Keegen & M.E.S. Harries for the stories]
What I love about both stories, is the commitment to courage being displayed. Retreating & retiring were not options. The only option was to stick their ground and fight for what they believed in. In the face of adversity - they chose to keep going. I admire that spirit and desire it for my own life. How many times have I duck & run when adversity and struggles hit? How many times have I allowed fear to dictate my response to situations? If I truly believe in what I am doing - why shouldn't my response be to stand my ground? Too often when my back is against the wall I choose to simply roll over and die. This is probably for a variety of reasons, but the primary one seems to center on my lack of commitment to courage. Until I can learn to overcame that, I - unlike the soldiers under Haig & Williams - will never learn to defeat the obstacles and challenges in my life.
Posted by Landon at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Posted by Landon at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Quotes
Friday, September 25, 2009
Up The Road We Staggered
Posted by Landon at 4:53 PM 1 comments
Labels: History
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
In proving foresight may be vain
Plans. Goals. They are absolutely necessary, but what happens when they go askew? What happens when on paper your plan looks great - but when reality hits you realize that success does not have a chance. How do you modify your plans when bumps come along the path of life that prevent your plan from working? The German Empire had the Schlieffen Plan in tow. On paper it would have crushed France in 40 days which would theoretically keep England out of the war and allow the German Empire to concentrate on breaking down Russia (which it would eventually do with help from the Bolsheviks). But problems along the way prevented that from happening and the Germans went from a succesful war strategy to trench warfare to losing and getting devastated in the aftermath of "peace." I can resonate with the German Empire. Sometimes I struggle with even thinking plans & goals - because so often life prevents obstacles that I just cannot be prepared for. My plans go to as they say "hell in a hand-basket" so often that I question the point of plans. I get stressed out in making new plans because I fear those to will fall apart. And yet I know that plans do prevail sometimes. So how do you go about making the right plans? And when even the best plans go askew what do you do to keep going on? For now I read Robert Burns and realize even the best schemes...can bring grief & pain.
Posted by Landon at 8:01 AM 5 comments
Labels: Life
Friday, September 18, 2009
One of my favorite stories from World War I has to be the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914. In the midst of trench warfare with both sides losing thousands upon thousands of men, a brief pause in action was able to take place. Christmas trees (or the Tannenbaum to the Germans) were put up, carols were sung, men from both sides crossed into "no man's land" to shake hands and exchange chocolate, spirited beverages and cigarettes and even in some sectors games of football broke out. For a brief moment in the ugliest war that the world had ever seen - peace was able to happen. As Stanley Weintraub described it, "But perhaps more important, many troops had discovered through the truce that the enemy, despite the best efforts of propagandists, were not monsters. Each side had encountered men much like themselves, drawn from the same walks of life - and led, alas, by professionals who saw the world through different lenses." John McCutcheon would later sing about "the ones who call the shots won't be among the dead and lame, and on each end of the rifle we're the same." Every time I think about this, it reminds me of the people I "fight" and "struggle" with. Despite my differences with them, are they really that different from me? Are the people we consider our enemies whether that be the opposite political party, the Taliban running rampant in Afghanistan, or simply the people in our lives that we don't like - truly our enemy? And even if we find ourselves consistently opposite of one another - is it really worth the fight to prove who is better or right? Instead of pulling the trigger every time we encounter someone opposite of ourselves, perhaps we could learn a lesson from 1914 and see that the "others" are really just the same as us - they've just had a different lens upon which they have seen and viewed the world.
Posted by Landon at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: History
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Game One a Success!
I was nervous. I was angry. I was excited. I was happy. I was moody. I was all over the spectrum. But in the end - pure joy. Good to see the Packers win the first game of the 09 season.
Posted by Landon at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Friday, September 11, 2009
Send It On
Ridiculous how a Disney song can get stuck in your head to the point that you actually start liking it. While watching Phineas & Ferb with the boys, I kept hearing the song "Send It On" by Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, and the other two chicks that I don't know. Well now it is stuck in my head and I find myself singing it. My goodness what has the world come to.
Posted by Landon at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Posted by Landon at 11:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: Leadership
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Glad its back!
Man is it great to see college football back! I especially loved seeing The U (anyone from Minnesota will know that is what our beloved University is called) win @ Syracuse and then watching ASU hammer Idaho State. Looking forward to watching football for the next few months!
Posted by Landon at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Friday, September 4, 2009
Posted by Landon at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Quotes
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Extraordinary & Peculiar Aptitude
What is inside of you? What will keep you going in the face of certain defeat? When everyone else would be willing and wanting to quit - what will keep you fighting? In the face of your enemies can you keep moving forward despite their advantages? The story of the fighting on the Marne in WWI is incredible to me. Not because the Allies won decisively (they didn't) and not because the Germans gave up a chance to end the war within 40 days of starting it (they did) - but because in the face of certain defeat the French (and their British allies) pulled together to display the needed "cran" (as the French call it) to fight back. The Germans were unprepared for it, the British had to be surprised by it. That is the spirit that I want to capture within me. That is the spirit I want to display when facing odds stacked against me. When the going is tough, I want to know that deep within me - there is a base level of cran that will keep me going. Will I stand or will I falter? Only in times of trouble, can I really find out.
Posted by Landon at 9:11 AM 3 comments
Labels: History
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Go Twins!

Posted by Landon at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It is impossible to pre-determine the decisions a person will make in any given situation. As people, when faced with decisions and situations we often deploy a variety of strategies and thought processes based upon a number of circumstances. I am fascinated by the notion that in a tough situation - how much my decision making has already been made up. Preconceived thoughts predicate certain actions to be more likely, while the degree of optimism (actually more likely pessimism with me) cant tilt me further or closer towards one side of those notions. The questions becomes, though, how do I make the best possible decision when I know that my preconceived thoughts, potential fears, and pessimism might all betray my ability to make that best possible decision? In other words, can I make a decision that is divorced from the forces within me that would unwittingly lead to a poor choice? A study of history showcases a long line of men & women who were unable to do so and thus sealed their doom/fate. The strongest decision makers seem to be the ones who are able to master themselves and rise about their own deficiencies in the process of decision making. Easier said then done.
Posted by Landon at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: Life
Friday, August 28, 2009
I hate Kobe Bryant. There are many reasons why, but in the end I think it comes down to the fact that he maintains sangfroid so well on the basketball court. I envy that ability to have "cold blood," as the French call it, in moments of stress, high pressure, and anxiety. Faced with everything on the line, Kobe wants the ball. He is willing to take that shot - even though failure and the complete letdown of the team has a better then 50% chance of happening. I don't have that ability. Given the choice, I would take the safe route and zone of comfort 10 out of 10 times. In the end, I don't suffer the humiliation and pain of failure but I die a little bit more each day. You see I cannot maintain sangfroid - because when given the opportunity I run from it. In the end the net of safety I have put up will keep me from falling hard - but it will also keep me from living the life God designed me to live. What I must ask myself, then, is what's the point of life???
Posted by Landon at 12:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: Life
Thanks Mitch
Posted by Landon at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I am conflicted with Brett Favre. On on hand, he is perhaps the greatest quarterback in Green Bay Packers history (Bart Starr did win 5 NFL Championships, 2 Super Bowls, and was a CAREER Packer) and led the Packers back to being good after the awful 70's & 80's. On the other hand he is now playing for the Vikings. So while part of me wants to see him do good and cement his status as the greatest modern-day quarterback - part of me also enjoys seeing the hit like the picture above in the hopes of watching him be broken in two.
Posted by Landon at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Friday, August 21, 2009
Based on actions
I read an article on CNN today about a guy who was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his wife. The story is awful. I wanted to throw up hearing how a man could savagely murder the person who should have meant the most to him. What was interesting in the article was how his family and loved ones continously tried to portray him as this incredible guy - "a church-going, gentle man who always went out of his way to help others." Yet in one act all of that was changed. The prosecuting lawyer (Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda) said it best, stating, "Unfortunately, the best example we have of his character is in what he did. This shows his best character." There is no BS with actions. What you do defines you - and often times it is in those greatest moments of weakness that you show who you are. So many times in life I have experienced people telling me one thing - but by their subsequent actions showcase who they truly are and what they truly think. Its hard to believe you have faith in me if everything you do (and say behind my back) is to the contrary. The same goes for my very own life. I can say this & that - but in the end if my actions reflect something else, what are people to believe? It might not be fair to base assessment off of the poor choices we make - but ultimately those speak as much if not more volume to the people we actually are. So the question is who are you? Does the evidence support it?
Posted by Landon at 7:47 AM 2 comments
Labels: Life
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Haunting but Good
Posted by Landon at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: Belief
Friday, July 31, 2009
In the tales of men, there is a long history of playing swords in the bathroom. I remember as a kid, whenever I had to pee, I was usually able to get a friend or one of my brothers to cross pee streams while calling it swords. Not sure why we did it, but it just happened. Well the genius that I am, I thought it would be a great idea to teach Trenton the concept of swords to encourage him to pee while standing up (one of the greatest advantages to being a man). Well the idea officially was put in the "poor decision" category today as when he had to pee he shouted lets do swords daddy. I said okay, but before I knew it Trenton had aimed completely out of the toilet and sprayed the shower curtain, wall, side of the toilet and the floor. Of course he thought this was funny and it was at this point that I realized two things. One, that it was going to suck having to clean that up. And two, maybe this is why all men struggle hitting the toilet water when peeing. So much for parenting ideas from dad...
Posted by Landon at 1:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: family
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Well crap
Well apparently my history degree not only puts me at odds in my current vocation but also puts me at odds with making any money. Crap. At least I have some sweet stories to shoot the breeze with...
Posted by Landon at 10:18 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Story Time
So lately Trenton (my 3 year old) has been asking me to tell him stories. I have used the opportunity to open the Bible and tell him some stories from there. Thus far his favorite has been the talking donkey story - but today I told him the story of Zacchaeus. Later on in the morning I asked him some questions to see what he retained from the story. Here is how the conversation went:
Me: So who was the story about this morning?
Trenton: Zacchaeus
Me: Good job. What did he do?
Trenton: He climbed a tree.
Me: Why?
Trenton: Cause he was little.
Me: Good. Who did he climb down to eat dinner with?
Trenton: Jesus.
Me: What did he give away to all the poor people & people he owed?
Trenton: Apples, peaches, and chicken nuggets.
So he got most of it. Not really sure where the apples, peaches, and chicken nuggets came from - but close enough.
Posted by Landon at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Am I?
Am I the last person in America to realize how hilarious and awesome "30 Rock" is? My glorious wife got the first 2 seasons on DVD for me, and I have been literally laughing out loud watching them. Tina Fey is a genius, and the actors/actresses in the show are perfect. Very funny show - excellent all around.
Posted by Landon at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Home Run Derby
Each year it is fun to watch the HR Derby @ the All-Star Game for baseball. It is always cool to see guys just hit the ball a mile. Last year was really awesome as Justin Morneau (a Minnesota Twin!) won the contest. This year, for some reason Joe Mauer was selected to participate. He is my favorite baseball player so even though I found it odd that a guy with only 15 homers on the season was asked to participate, it was cool to see him give it a whirl. He did not even come close to winning (Prince Fielder did - including hitting one ball an estimated 503 feet!!!) but man his swing is amazing. Looking forward to seeing him bat in the 3-hole tomorrow in the actual ASG. Since I have been alive, the NL has only won the ASG 7 times (and haven't won since 96 in Philly!) so chances are the AL will win again but hopefully the game is fun to watch.
Posted by Landon at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Old Hickory
I recently wrapped up a biography on Andrew Jackson which was absolutely splendid. I have been quite interested in Andrew Jackson for a number of years now, and this was a good read on his time as President. He was a man with many flaws and looking back at it him it is easy to judge him for his horrible decisions in the support of slavery and mis-treatment of different Indian groups. That being said, his staunch support of the preservation of the Union set the stage for Abraham Lincoln (who borrowed plenty of thought & action from Jackson) in the Civil War. What makes Jackson so likable is how regular he seemed to be for a President. He wasn't particularly educated (in fact most of his opponents attacked his lack of education), he was prone to a violent temper, and his life and friends were filled with suspect decision making at times. Despite all of his flaws, he somehow rose to the highest office in the land, was an incredible military general, and was one of the most well esteemed people of his time. Like him or hate him (and there were plenty of people on both sides of the fence) - he was just interesting. Meacham has not written the best book on him (Remini or Brands are probably more worthy of that title) - but it was an engaging book and an excellent piece if you are interested in learning more about the Presidency of Andrew Jackson.
Posted by Landon at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
North to the Future
I cannot begin to describe how incredible my trip to Alaska was. Everything about it was so absolutely perfect, from spending time with my best buddy Jesse to hiking to camping to river rafting to being outdoors in the the most spectacular, beautiful place in the world. It was so refreshing and renewing to be away from the desert (have I mentioned how much I hate Arizona? Does God really like deserts OR were they designed as places of testing & torture?). I spent the majority of my time in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. I hiked on a glacier on the Fourth of July. I spent 6 hours going down the Gulkana, Tazlina, and Copper Rivers. I camped right next to the Bonanza Copper Mine @ Kennecott - where close to 90 years ago mine workers spent their days. I saw more green, water, and actual signs of life then I have seen in a long, long time. I could not have asked for a better gift from God then that week. It is definitely the beginning of a long love affair - and I hope to visit again soon.
Posted by Landon at 11:20 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Balaam's Ass
Posted by Landon at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wall of Separation
I just finished American Gospel by Jon Meacham. It was a pretty good book, though it was rather short (only 250 pages) and could have explored topics a little bit more in-depth. I did like that Meacham pointed out that America was NOT founded as a Christian nation and that it has done its best as a nation when it straddles the middle line between hard-core religious fundamentalism & philosophy-driven secularism. Giving people freedom of choice is critical - and he does a decent job at conveying that message. People who use the Bible as a source of political or personal strength against others are ridiculous. As Meacham says it, if God doesn't force beliefs on people - who gives us the right to do it. I also like his thoughts on how people have always justified themselves based upon their interpretation of Scripture - for example: slavery. So when Christians argue that we should base everything off of Scripture - who's interpretation are you talking about? Finally, I think it is critical to remember that Christians enjoy overstepping their boundaries in the political arena when it is their own faith being supported - but what about when it is the Muslim faith or some other faith? Will they still be comfortable then? The point being - the United States was founded by a solid group of men (most of them not being Christian as we would define Christian today) who believed in freedom and republicanism. The government was based upon those principles and that is what makes this a solid nation. The values, attitude, and actions of Christ are incredible to follow - and the great thing about this country is we are allowed as citizens to do just that. But when we start blurring the line between faith & politics - we usually get a watered down version of both.
Posted by Landon at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009

Jeremiah 3:3
Posted by Landon at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Posted by Landon at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Full Of Them
Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
So I saw a video by my friend Neil tonight which showed discussed the fertility rates of the western world as compared to that of the Muslim world. The statistics were staggering. It has me thinking. Do we (Americans) really value children as we should? Do we truly believe that children are a blessing? The Psalmist tells us that a state of "blessing" comes to the man who has lots of kids. Yet the United States barely maintains a fertility rate for replacing its current generation, and mainly maintains that rate simply from the influx of the Latino population. So are we really seeking that particular blessing? My wife wants 5 kids and the more I think about it, the more I can see why. She gets it. She sees the blessing that having children are. I get so wrapped up in simple things like having a big enough house for them, feeding them, clothing them, any & all medical expenses, etc - as if somehow God won't take care of us. If we truly believed verse 5 of the 127th Psalm - how would that change our mindsets in approaching the question of "how many kids should we have?" Not sure I know - but this definitely has me thinking.
Posted by Landon at 10:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
You are what you read...
If what you eat tends to define who you are, then what you read must have a pressing influence on what you think, how you think it, and what you do from those thoughts. I tend to like biographies. I like anything to do with history, usually focusing on things prior to the Korean War. I'm not sure exactly how that has influenced me, but I'm sure that the reason I think and talk about history a lot is because that is what I spend time studying. The reason this interests me is how I see the church becoming more and more like a corporate business structure. Not necessarily the overall Church - but at least the American Church. The leadership principles, practices, strategies, growth management, philosophies, ethics, building programs, etc of churches in America now seem to parallel that of the business world. As I have wondered why that is, it dawned on me how much church leaders love reading business books. I am sure it started long before, but I clearly remember when "Good to Great" first came out and every church leader seemed to be reading it. From that point on, I have noticed that the books most likely found in the hands of pastors are those that have been either written by those in the business community or based upon lessons learned from the business community. With the current sorry state of the economy and business affairs in America, I wonder where the Church is headed. Obviously the Church can claim that they, in the end, follow Jesus and that will separate them from the crash & burn of Wall Street...but if all the Church is doing is consuming that which the business community has to offer - what chance will it really have? Plus, where do people fit in? Does the American Church care enough about people - or have people become (like they are in the business community) mere statistics and measurements of success? Bill Hybels once said that the local church is the hope of the world. He may be correct, but only if the church is the one setting the pace - not simply following the tide of the latest and greatest business guide to successful leadership.
Posted by Landon at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss-
So despite having Democrat leanings, I don't really like change all that much. I got dealt another blow today with the news that my friend Jason will be leaving his job within a week. Eric Shark, Shaun Sawyer, Ryan Maxwell, Ryan Russell, Jon Moton, and now Jason are all gone. Its not that I don't have other friends on staff - but those guys all meant something to me. It will be hard going forward now. This isn't the time or place to put blame on anyone or anything - just me confessing that this change will be difficult. In the end I am just thankful for Jason. I am thankful for his heart, his passions, his talent, and his friendship. He has tremendous value and some church will benefit from his presence there. He sees ministry as relationships and chooses to place relationship over system & administration. That doesn't always jive well - but I understand it completely. So here's to you Jason - best of luck and know that you will always be one of my best friends. Central was lucky to have you, and your imprint will remain long after your departure from staff.
Posted by Landon at 11:20 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Whether Muir's deep faith in nature is still possible in our own time is a question that his admirers must continue to ask themselves and to find answers of their own. Can contact with nature inspire people to a higher ethic, a greater decency? Or is the human species by and large incapable of reverence, restraint, generosity, or vision? Have we truly learned to respect a nature that we did not create, a world independent of us, or do we see only the hand of humankind wherever we look? Muir was a man who tried to find the essential goodness of the world, an optimist about people and nature, and eloquent prophet of a new world that looked to nature for its standard and inspiration. Looking back at the the trail he blazed, we must wonder how far we have yet to go. (Donald Worster, A Passion for Nature: The Life of John Muir).
I recently finished Worster's biography on John Muir, and it was fantastic. What an incredible guy John Muir was. I am awed by his love and commitment to a cause which laid a foundation that much of the modern environmental & conservation movement has been built upon. His strong belief in the wilderness being able to cure the ills of mankind resonates well with me. Having just gotten back from JH Summer Camp up in the mountains of California, I feel renewed from having spent time in God's creation. The crisp air, the tall mountains, the trees, even the extended day trip to the ocean - all worked together to help heal parts of my soul. It felt so good to have God wrap His arms around me thru the work of His creation. For me, I will honor the life of John Muir (beyond my membership with the Sierra Club) by doing what I can to preseve the wilderness of America as a means to connecting with God. Nature is my standard & inspiration because in it I find the clearest picture of God.
Posted by Landon at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
God's Wildness
He [John Muir] promoted conservation as a means to improved happiness for people. Human health - mental, physical, and economic - depeneded on access to the natural world. To be prosperous a society must use its natural resources rationally and carefully; to be happy and fulfilled a society must be in contact with the natural beauty around it. Privately, he was still convinced that man should not be the measure of all value, that justice must extend to all creatures, and that accumulating money should not become the chief end of living. Publicly, however, he defined the goal of conservation as fuller human development. (Donald Worster)
"'There is love wild Nature in everybody,' he wrote in his journal, 'an ancient mother-love ever showing itself whether recognized or no, and however covered by cares and duties.' And he added (stealing shamelessly from Henry David Thoreau), 'In God's wildness lies the hope of the world - the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness.'" (Donald Worster)
The more I read about John Muir the more I identify with him. Although I would be quick to point out that the majesty of the wilderness reflects God, I do see how critical the natural world is to my health. For myself, I often feel the presence of God more in the naked wilderness then in any building. However, the sad reality is my time becomes consumed with "cares and duties" and I often do not get the opportunity to renew myself in the great outdoors. Unfortunately, I feel the absence of time outdoors in my life. Physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually I can tell that I am headed for empty without it. The outdoor world is so close and yet so incredibly far. I envy the life John Muir spent outside. He was constantly traveling all around, constantly spending more time outdoors then within. Thankfully, I have a vacation to Alaska coming up. A chance to seek & find myself again.
Posted by Landon at 8:09 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Listen & Learn
So I was watching Go Diego Go with Trenton tonight. It was the one with the humpback whales. Anyway, at the end of the show like usual they had "the review" with 4 questions that the kids should have learned about humpback whales. Well Trenton answerd all four correctly - and was super excited about it. It was pretty cool and I was proud of him - even if it the quiz was "simple." As I thought about it, I started to wonder if that is how God is with me as I study his Word. When I am learning and starting to understand the things God needs to me to know - I have to believe He is proud of me and gets excited. It might be simple things that everyone else already knows - but He is simply happy that I am willing to learn and have spent time listening to Him. Every time I see Trenton grasp something new - it just sends the most incredible joyful feeling throughout my soul. My hope and belief is that the same is true of God with me.
Posted by Landon at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
18 Innings but a W!


Posted by Landon at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Questioning God
"What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention, that you examine him every morning and test him every moment? Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant? If I have sinned, what have I done to you, O watcher of men? Why have you made me your target? Have I become a burden to you? Why do you not pardon my offenses and forgive my sins? For I will soon lie down in the dust; you will search for me, but I will be no more." (Job 7:17-21)
Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. (Job 41:11)
Posted by Landon at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
29 Silver Pans
So I'm not saying that every piece of the Bible is not important, but sometimes I wonder about the things included in it. I read the book of Ezra yesterday, and though there were some really awesome parts (my favorite being Ezra's prayer in chapter 9) there are some parts I just don't understand how they have any relevancy to me today. I suppose the names and numbers of exiles would have been important to the Jews reading the Scripture as they would identify with their family bloodline that left captivity - but what am I suppose to pull from that? The inventory of the supplies that Cyrus gave back to the Israelites - is it really critical to know that there were 410 matching silver bowls? Or even later on knowing that Eliashib decendent of Bani was guilty of intermarriage? My point is not to mock Scripture or say it is not critical - I am seeking out what we as people today are suppose to do when coming across passages of Scripture that describe names, numbers, and statistics that don't seem to have any point today. Maybe it just adds the "filler detail" to show the precise nature of Scripture. I'm not really sure. It certainly doesn't hurt the overall impact or importance of God's Word, I guess I just wish I knew what God wanted me to learn from the 29 Silver Pans...
Posted by Landon at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pissed Off
Oh how pissed off I am right now at you Tony Pena. 4 runs. That's how big of a lead on LA we had in the 8th inning and you have to cough it up. Hopefully in walking with your head in shame you pulled a neck muscle so we can put you on the DL for the rest of the year.
Posted by Landon at 10:13 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Can you go back?
Once a bridge is burned, can you ever go back? I continue to dwell upon the concept of unity and what I need to do to contribute to unity. Today I dwell upon the idea of a bridge being burned. I can vividly see the bridges that have been burnt in my life. I remember the details and all of the frustration, anger, and hurt that built up ultimately leading to the bridge being burnt. What do you do once that has happened? The damage is done. The hurt is deep. The anger is burning. I understand the need to forgive - and yet what do you do with the charred remains? Even if the fire is put out - the smoldering remains leave very little to work with. I marvel at the ability of God to forgive. I struggle understanding how He can just wipe the slate clean and continue to love, deeply love, in the midst of all of the stupid & frustrating & hurtful things I do to my relationship with Him. I burn that bridge on a daily basis, and yet there he is pounding in new nails and boards to build it again. Its not enough for God to simply say well I tried enough - now I am done. God doesn't seem to allow for burnt bridges. Yet I do. Selfishly & emotionally I allow them to exist. I am ashamed at my behavior in light of the Truth of God. Yet, deep inside I sense an ugliness that will not let go of the hurt, pain, frustration and anger. Can burnt bridges be rebuilt? God seems to be an expert at it - what about me?
Posted by Landon at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Jesus loves you but...
Okay so I know it is probably not a wise thing to laugh at but I have to chuckle every time I see one of those bumper sticks that says, "JESUS LOVES YOU but everyone else thinks you're an ***hole." In reality that seems to be the case with people we encounter in our lives. We have to admit that Jesus loves them (as He does all people) but yet they drive us absolutely insane. The things they say, the things they do, the things they think, etc. This weekend I got the opportunity to teach on unity as well as listen to my buddy Jeremy teach on the same topic. While preparing for my message and while listening to his, I kept coming back to those people in my life that I cannot stand. I don't like them. I don't want to be around them. I cringe when I have to deal with them. What do you do with them? To what level of relationship does God call us to have with those types of people in our lives? How much love do we really need to put into those people? Sad - even in typing this I sense myself wanting to justify some minimal amount of effort into building unity with those people. Sure I want them to go to heaven God, but can they stand on the opposite side of me? I feel challenged though to move beyond my selfish, minimal standard. I don't know if I can ever be friends with some of these people - but at the very least they deserve to be treated well, prayed for, and when I can help them out for me to do so. The ironic thing is that my character is more revealed in dealing with them then it is in dealing with those closest to me. So we'll see. It was a challenging & convicting weekend. Hopefully stepping forward I'll do better and not simply shooting for the minimum amount of love when dealing with them. Unity may be hard to attain, but it certainly worth the effort.
Posted by Landon at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him...Rejecting the advice given him by the elders, he followed the advice of the young men...(1 Kings 12:8, 13-14)
The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, "There is still one man through whom we can inquire of the LORD, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. He is Micaiah son of Imlah." (1 Kings 22:8)
I noticed a trend in the books of 1st & 2nd Kings about the habit of kings to listen only to what they wanted to hear. Instead of following good advice, they continously sought the advice and counsel of their friends and those willing to tell them what they wanted to hear. I could not help but notice the same trend within my own life. How often do I make decisions based upon my own thoughts and the support of those I know will not argue against me. If I know going into a decision a particular person will not agree with me, I tend to avoid asking them their opinion on the subject. Like Rehoboam, I tend to seek the advice of the "young guys" (my friends) over the "elders" - whomever they might be in a given situation. In reality this is all based upon a selfish desire to make my own decisions and not have to listen to anyone. The result for the kings was their own deaths, destruction of their kingdoms, and eventual overthrow by Assyria & Babylon. In other words, a complete train wreck. Knowing that - why would I or anyone else want to continue along the same pattern? I guess the key is to recognize the problem and know that going into any situation I must seek out wise advice - even if that advice is "bad" to me and contrary to my own standing. Easier said then done...
Posted by Landon at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
100 Foreskins
Posted by Landon at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So I am currently reading through the Old Testament and I realized a disgusting parallel between Genesis & Judges. In Genesis 19, two angels come to Sodom and it says that Lot strongly encouraged/requested they spend the night at his house. Then it says that the men of Sodom surrounded the house and demanded that Lot send the men out [which makes me wonder if angels simply look like men] so that they could have sex with them. In response to that request, Lot offers his virgin daugthers instead of the angels. Add that to the greatest dad moments in history. Now flash forward to Judges 19 [weird coincidence in chapter numbering there?]. There is a Levite who's concubine left him to go home to her father's house. He goes after her and spends some time at that house. Then he left with his concubine. They head to Gibeah [uniquely enough to not spend time in "alien territory"] where an old man from the hill country allows them to spend the night at his place. While hanging out, the text says some men come and pound on the door demanding that the old man send out the Levite in order that they can have sex with him. Sound familiar? So the old man decides that would be an awful thing so instead offers his virgin daugther [dad of the year #2] and the Levite's concubine [way to look after your woman you jerk]. Sound familiar? The men don't want either of those options, but the Levite still sends out his concubine anyway who ends up getting raped & abused throughout the night and ends up dead. The Levite responds when he sees her dead body - "get up; let's go" - only to discover she wasn't going to answer because she was dead.
So I just found this parallel to be weird, disgusting, and made me want to puke. I have also since re-discovered how many sexual dysfunction stories the first 7 books of the Bible contain. Seriously if there is a sin that people have completely given themselves over to more then sexual immorality, I would be shocked.
Posted by Landon at 10:41 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Happy 26th Birthday Sweetheart.

Posted by Landon at 9:50 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Goodbye Scrubs
Posted by Landon at 10:54 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Next Rung
Why does the next monkey bar always seem so much further then the one behind you? As a kid I remember swinging to the next bar always seemed far more difficult then it actually was. It was always much easier to simply stay swinging on the same bar and never move forward. Yet that was never actually any fun or worthwhile. The only time the monkey bars were fun was when you were swinging forward or doing something reckless that made your mom worried. Yet as I have grown older I have lost that sense of fearlessness and replaced it with one of safety and comfort. I would rather stay with the safe & comfortable because venturing forth means facing the fear of the unknown. Yet just like when I was a kid - that desire to push beyond the realm of comfort remains - even if I have gotten use to keeping it contained. One of my favorite authors is John Eldredge and he put is this way, "Desire fuels our search for the life we prize. Our desire, if we listen to it, will save us from committing soul-suicide, the sacrifice of our hearts on the altar of 'getting by.' The same old thing is not enough. It never will be." So why does the same old thing tend to win out? Why do we settle? Why do we cling to the same rung on the monkey bars eyeing the one in front but knowing the only move we'll end up making is backwards or staying on the same rung? The sacrifice it takes to live in safety & comfort seems like a far bigger loss then the sacrifice of taking the chances on moving forward in life. Easy to acknowledge - but surprisingly difficult to do. Its a sad reality when you realize your 5-year-old self would look at your adult self with eyes of pity. So the encouragement is this - SWING FORWARD and see the adventure the awaits.
Posted by Landon at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Shifty Politicians
Arlen Specter is a weasel. I have no problem with people switching their mind and changing their philosophy with time. I think that is natural and can even be a very good thing. However, his defection to the opposite political party reeks of selfish ambition and personal motivation to keep his Senate seat. Specter recently switched from being a Republican Senator from Pennsylvania to a Democrat. The primary problem I have with the switch was his statement of: "I've looked at the polls. I can't win as a Republican, I can't win as an independent. The only way I have a shot is to be a Democrat." What does the guy even stand for? This constant flip-flopping in order to secure a constant seat in Congress is stupid. It gets to the point where all politicians become so entangled with personal ambition and $$$ from shady supporters that you cannot trust any of them. The only thing I think we could do now would be to place mandatory term limits on everyone in Washington. Stop giving these losers the opportunity to sit forever in Washington and lose complete touch with their voting base and the people they supposedly represent. Republican or Democrat - honestly, it is becoming more and more apparent that they both are beyond saving right now.
Posted by Landon at 10:16 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Environment & Repression
And the great owners, who must lose their land in an upheaval, the great owners with access to history, with eyes to read history and to know the great fact: when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away. And that companion fact: when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need. And the little screaming fact that sounds through all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed. The great owners ignored the three cries of history. The land fell into fewer hands, the number of dispossessed increased, and every effort of the great owners was directed at repression. -John Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath-
I am re-reading The Grapes of Wrath right now, and loving it as much as I did the first time I opened the book. This semester I had two courses in environmental history. I had never studied much environmental history but through the course of the semester realized how much I love the subject. One of the themes that constantly came up was the habit of capitalism in America disregarding responsibility for caring for the environment. The push for wealth and accumulation of stuff blinds people to their need to be responsible. In an eerie way, the blatant disregard for the environment has mirrored the capitalist disregard for poor people. The unique tie-in with Steinbeck is that is one of the themes of his work. I am not ready to jump ship from capitalism, but I find it unique at how many Christians regard capitalism with reverent fear while turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed under its banner. In conjunction with that, I think Christians have moved far too slowly on the environmental front. One could argue this from the stewardship angle, but more important then that is that environmental degradation has a history of being tied to an absence of care and responsibility for those less privileged. Unfortunately, I do not think this will change much – at least not in America. The Almighty $ has too much pull for real change to become effective in moving the hearts and minds of people – no matter what their beliefs.
Posted by Landon at 2:45 PM 0 comments