Saturday, August 29, 2009


Evaluation of enemy strength is not an absolute, but a matter of piecing together scraps of reconnaissance and intelligence to form a picture, if possible a picture to fit preconceived theories or to suit the demands of a particular strategy. What a staff makes out of the available evidence depends upon the degree of optimism or pessimism prevailing among them, on what they want to believe or fear to believe, and sometimes upon the sensitivity or intuition of an individual. -Barbara W. Tuchman-

It is impossible to pre-determine the decisions a person will make in any given situation. As people, when faced with decisions and situations we often deploy a variety of strategies and thought processes based upon a number of circumstances. I am fascinated by the notion that in a tough situation - how much my decision making has already been made up. Preconceived thoughts predicate certain actions to be more likely, while the degree of optimism (actually more likely pessimism with me) cant tilt me further or closer towards one side of those notions. The questions becomes, though, how do I make the best possible decision when I know that my preconceived thoughts, potential fears, and pessimism might all betray my ability to make that best possible decision? In other words, can I make a decision that is divorced from the forces within me that would unwittingly lead to a poor choice? A study of history showcases a long line of men & women who were unable to do so and thus sealed their doom/fate. The strongest decision makers seem to be the ones who are able to master themselves and rise about their own deficiencies in the process of decision making. Easier said then done.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I hate Kobe Bryant. There are many reasons why, but in the end I think it comes down to the fact that he maintains sangfroid so well on the basketball court. I envy that ability to have "cold blood," as the French call it, in moments of stress, high pressure, and anxiety. Faced with everything on the line, Kobe wants the ball. He is willing to take that shot - even though failure and the complete letdown of the team has a better then 50% chance of happening. I don't have that ability. Given the choice, I would take the safe route and zone of comfort 10 out of 10 times. In the end, I don't suffer the humiliation and pain of failure but I die a little bit more each day. You see I cannot maintain sangfroid - because when given the opportunity I run from it. In the end the net of safety I have put up will keep me from falling hard - but it will also keep me from living the life God designed me to live. What I must ask myself, then, is what's the point of life???

Thanks Mitch

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." -C.S. Lewis-
I had the opportunity to hang out with my good friend Mitch this morning. He helped me by coming out of his way to help with re-doing my blog. Thanks Mitch! I'll continue to tinker with it and hopefully start blogging more.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I am conflicted with Brett Favre. On on hand, he is perhaps the greatest quarterback in Green Bay Packers history (Bart Starr did win 5 NFL Championships, 2 Super Bowls, and was a CAREER Packer) and led the Packers back to being good after the awful 70's & 80's. On the other hand he is now playing for the Vikings. So while part of me wants to see him do good and cement his status as the greatest modern-day quarterback - part of me also enjoys seeing the hit like the picture above in the hopes of watching him be broken in two.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Based on actions

I read an article on CNN today about a guy who was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his wife. The story is awful. I wanted to throw up hearing how a man could savagely murder the person who should have meant the most to him. What was interesting in the article was how his family and loved ones continously tried to portray him as this incredible guy - "a church-going, gentle man who always went out of his way to help others." Yet in one act all of that was changed. The prosecuting lawyer (Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda) said it best, stating, "Unfortunately, the best example we have of his character is in what he did. This shows his best character." There is no BS with actions. What you do defines you - and often times it is in those greatest moments of weakness that you show who you are. So many times in life I have experienced people telling me one thing - but by their subsequent actions showcase who they truly are and what they truly think. Its hard to believe you have faith in me if everything you do (and say behind my back) is to the contrary. The same goes for my very own life. I can say this & that - but in the end if my actions reflect something else, what are people to believe? It might not be fair to base assessment off of the poor choices we make - but ultimately those speak as much if not more volume to the people we actually are. So the question is who are you? Does the evidence support it?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Haunting but Good

"I seen hundreds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches, with their bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing in their heads . . . every damn one of ’em’s got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never a God damn one of ’em ever gets it. Just like heaven. Ever’body wants a little piece of lan’. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land." -Crooks, from Of Mice and Men-
I read Of Mice and Men yesterday. It had been a few months since I had touched anything by John Steinbeck and so in order to refresh my literary mind I picked up the short but brilliant work. Finishing quickly, I dwelt upon the notions of loneliness and how the American Dream is not as attainable as one would want to believe. Unfortunately many of us are wrapped up in lives that fall desperately short of where we would want them to be. This is not to say that fulfillment cannot be or is not found - just that the dreams we had/have continually lie just out of reach. Each of us feels a longing and loneliness from some sector of our lives. It may be that we lack the friends we want, the career we desire, the presence we crave, the materials we deem needed, or any other void that hits us deep within. These voids dig at our souls and eat away at our hope that the dreams we have can have actually be obtained. In the end we end up like George - in an inconsolable position stuck between being the dreams we have and the reality we know we must face. Perhaps this is where Christ plays one of His most important roles. For within Him, we find a peace and comfort that takes care of that darkness and void that Crooks so accurately painted in his pessimistic viewpoint aimed at crushing the spirit of Lennie. Perhaps it is true that "nobody gets no land" and we are to be faced with the shattered pieces of our dreams on a regular basis. But at least even in that, we have a God who cares for us and mends our broken hearts.